I have spent the last 25 years of my life serving as a therapist, mentor, and executive in the mental health field and truly understand the struggles we go through in designing and living the life we love. I’ve been on my own journey and have lost over 60+ pounds after many failed attempts and have healed chronic health conditions that started creeping up as I reached mid-life. I have created a life I absolutely love with the help of mindset work, coaching, and support of many amazing mentors, family and friends! It takes a lot of work, but the journey is so worth it! Depression, anxiety, self-doubt, and seemingly impossible circumstances do not have to stop us! As I always say, MINDSET is absolutely everything! The actions and work will naturally follow. I’m fully confident that I can partner with you to build the life you will love. If you need to see more credentials, here you go!

I am a Certified Life and Wellness Coach with a passion for helping clients to build an unbreakable mindset that will lead to lives they love. I specialize in health, nutrition, weight loss and general life coaching. I am excited about meeting you and determining how I can help you transform your life!

I’m Dana

My Credentials

Hey there!

Certified Life & Wellness Coach, CLC, Inner Glow Circle, 2023

Doctoral Degree in Organizational Leadership with a Concentration in Healthcare, Ed.D, Argosy University, 2015

Master’s Degree in Counseling, M.A., Boston College, 2004

Bachelor’s Degree of Science, Psychology Major, B.S., University of Georgia, 2000

Fun facts!

My favorite weekend activity

Visiting new cities and exploring cool bookstores and coffee shops with my family and friends!

a hobby that i love

Believe it or not, I love studying all things self-improvement (podcasts, books, Youtube, etc.)

my go-to vacation getaway

All things beach! I love driving down to Florida beaches where the water is clear and the sand sparkles.

things I enjoy

Mud/Wtr Coffee

Atlanta United Soccer

Maine Lobster

words to live by

"The people who are meant for you are going to meet you on the other side. You're going to build a new comfort zone around the things that actually move you."

-Brianna Wiest, The Mountain Is You

Making a major mindset shift to get you out of the overwhelmed funk and to start living the life you want.

Life and Wellness Coaching for those who want to elevate their life, health and experience in their lives.

I struggled with self-confidence throughout my life, even though I had all of the evidence that I needed to believe otherwise! It held me back from so many things. I fell into a pattern of addictive eating to deal with emotions and let my health fall by the wayside. At one point, I had gained almost 80 pounds and I developed high blood pressure, cholesterol and didn’t even recognize the person in the mirror. I was hiding from myself and everyone around me, which greatly limited my experience and my impact on the world. I am a helper by nature and how could I help others when I had so little left? I have always considered myself a social justice warrior because of my work and I was making little impact those days. I lived under extreme stress at work (some self-imposed by my anxiety and need to please) and I gave everything to my family and to work and left little for myself. The results were in when I turned 43 and discovered chronic health conditions (I also avoided regular doctor visits) along with living a shell of a life that I deserved. Something had to change! No, like REALLY change. 

I started searching for a change in my health and wellness, both physically and emotionally. I realized that addiction to sugar and flour was REAL and I had been suffering from it since childhood. Who would be surprised, given how we eat as a society? It’s really not our fault and it seemingly costs double to eat healthy than to pick up something quick and processed at a drive through as we tear into the driveway to our homes from our over busy, overworked day. The guilt and shame subsided when I realized that I was not at fault but it was up to me to make a change! 

I spent so many years counseling clients in the therapy setting and I realized about 5 years ago that I loved the concept of Life Coaching even more at this stage in my life. Therapy has a beautiful place but Life Coaching is exciting and provides so many long-lasting results within such a short time. We need different things at different times in our lives. I naturally eased into the Life Coaching field with excitement and built upon my experience as a therapist.

I couldn’t imagine doing anything else!

why i am here

My Story

I am down 60 pounds and counting, have started my life coaching business (a dream I had for many years), improved relationships, became a better model for my daughter, stopped some of the cycles that were developed in my lineage, have a plan for empty nesting in a year or so, and say “YES” to the things I want for my life and “NO THANK YOU” to the things that I don’t (recovering people pleaser here). The health conditions that opened my eyes (and were in essence my rock bottom) have disappeared and I have a renewed zest for life. I’m now an exerciser (miracle), I’ve been in active recovery from sugar/flour addiction for over a year, I’m a business owner, and I’ve built a strong community around me to support and cheer me on, while I do the same for them. I love my job as an Executive Vice President because I am helping others by enabling quality psychiatric care to be provided for all humans, despite the ability to pay or other inequities (a vision created by our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Shahzad Hashmi, that I am fully behind). 

I became my most challenging client, I grabbed some close friends to go on this journey with me and dug in deep. Life has never been the same since!

Life can have color again (or for the first time) and you can be your strongest self with confidence and discipline surrounding you. It’s worth the work my friends. It all starts with a decision that you have to try something different than you’ve always tried! I’m here to guide and support you along the way. 

You can have this too (insert your own goals and dreams) and I am here to help you and walk beside you along the way.


work with me

book a free consult

Sometimes we need someone who understands to help us see how amazing we truly are and what we are capable of achieving! We need someone to help us remove those long-standing barriers and mindset blocks to help us have hope and a plan for change. I will hold belief for you until you can believe yourself that anything is possible if you can dream it and are ready to work for it! You are worthy and whole no matter where you are in your life right now. 

You only have to say GO and we will get you to your highest goals and closer to your Ideal Future Self!

Let's get started!

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